spent the morning in a blind and a frosty evening in a treestand. Rattled a spiker in first thing that came racing in to the rattle. Then watched a smalll buck and I think the same spike chasing does. Interesting morning. Then sat in a field with my bow over a small buck decoy tonight. Had a nice buck come to within about 60 yards, but was foiled by a nasty swirling wind. Cold, but a great day in the deer woods!
Had a great morning in the stand yesterday. Took my Savage 270 WSM into the tree with me, on a perfect still, cold morning, at the perfect time of year. Did some calling and some rattling. Immediately after a sequence of rattling this guy came charging in. Heard him running through the brush for what sounded like a quarter mile, and charging into the field I was in. Captured part of it on video as well, very exciting hunt! Below is a very poor version of video from this morning, recorded off the tv, better copy coming soon! Spent the day in the deer stand today. Had a great morning, and filled an additional doe tag from my blind with my Athens bow. Then spent the afternoon/evening in a field, saw a doe and a small buck, back again in the morning.
Have a couple more weeks holidays to get some deer hunting in. Have been spending some time in the blind and stand with my bow trying to get a deer. Bucks have been seriously nocturnal lately, and haven't seen anything too big, but hoping they'll appear in the coming week. Have seen a few does, including a group of 4 on Nov 4 feeding 18 yards from me, but couldn't see hte pins on my sights from inside the blind. Still neat to see!
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October 2021