Went out for a brief salmon fishing trip tonight; mainly to dust off the gear and get it organized, and was thrilled to end up with a couple fish. Great night for less than two hours fishing, minutes from home!
![]() went up to Lake Nipigon, trying to target some shallow spring lake trout. Unfortunately our timing was slightly off, and the trout appear to have headed for deeper water. Was still a great day exploring the lake, and ended up with a few decent pike, and a suprise whitefish while trolling spoons; something different. ![]() got out one day last week with some friends from work walleye fishing for a day. It was a bit of an expedition; a 2 hour drive, 3 sets of rapids/portages to make it up, and 4 hours after departure we were fishing! but was a great day, fishing was good, weather was perfect, and was a great adventure! Did some work recently on my food plots; worked up my existing plots and broke ground on some new areas. Looking good for fall!
Got out last weekend with some friends for a walleye fishing trip.
Spent the weekend at kashabowie river resort, rented a great cabin right kn the lake. Between the exceptional fishing, accommodations and a great swimming hole, had a great weekend! Lots of walleye and a few snackies over the weekend. Lots of fun! Got out for another lake trout fishing trip today, incredibly weather and incredible fishing! Landed about a dozen lakers and one bonus chunky walleye, a rarity in this spot!
another spring Laker Trip, casting Pautzke Fire Brine'd smelts, and MMJJ JigFlies. I love spring lake trout!
So around dinner time this evening a friend and I decided to head out fishing.
Once again I was reminded how lucky we are, to have so many angling opportunities so close to home; we had a major debate whether to go out for walleye, big spring pike or lake trout! We ended up settling on trout and we a went out to a great Spring Laker fishing spot and inside 90 minutes, got a dozen nice trout! We did great with the Pautzke Fire Brined Smelts I prepped earlier this week, as well as with Mighty Mitch and Jungle Joe Jigflies. What a great evening! ![]() Got out for the first 3D Shoot of the year, the annual "Rubber Boot Shoot" out at Lakehead Archers. (http://lakeheadarchers.com/) This is an great event, held every year, and was sponsored by Team NOSA and D&R Sporting Goods, with some great prizes to be had, including a new compound donated by the sponsors! As per the name, boots were a must, as we waded through some serious muck, but had a great day. I got out with a friend and his son, and we had a great shoot. Some great practice, and had lots of fun, shooting at critters like dinosaurs, bears, giant deer, a moving moose on tracks, and the arrow destroying (if you miss), steel "bionic buck"! Had a great time and am looking forward to the next event, which will be the "2nd annual Gary's Automotive Invitational on June 15/16 2013! |
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October 2021