picked up my Wyoming Pronghorn mount today, pretty excited to have it up in the living room!
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spent the better part of Halloween in my deer stand. Sat for the morning Ina tree and shifted to a ground blind for the rainy afternoon/evening. Had a doe come by midday while I was gone (figures) and didn't see anything else. Back at it tomorrow!
had a pair of grouse hanging around beside my deer blind the other day. After spending 3 1/2 days in the deer blind, I ran into a few deer while walking into a field to check cameras. I snuck to my truck, grabbed my rifle, and used hay bales to sneak well into range. I got set for a shot, but found it was a doe and two fawns, both buck fawns. They got a pass.
spent the morning in my deer blind, hoping to fill adore tag or see a big buck. Had a little 6pt come in to entertain me for awhile.
i do a lot of hunting from ground blinds, and love the action right from the ground. Here are a couple recent setups.
I've been spending some time in the deer stand lately, I've had some decent bucks around and some does coming in consistently. On October 4th I had four deer come right under my tree, two does and two fawns. They came in downwind but two fawns ended up feeding in front me me for awhile. I had an easy shot at a button buck but left in to grow into a big buck!
spent thanksgiving weekend at the hunt camp moose hunting with family. For the first time in a long time we had a cow tag, and no bull tag. With the cuts in tag numbers we were lucky to have that!
On the Monday morning of opening weekend I ended up calling in a big bull in a beaver pond; he came in grunting from a cut, right into the pond. It was a pretty amazing experience! Got some video on the gopro and iPhone but pretty big to upload on here. Will add to the video page when I edit them down. Have gotten out a couple times the last couple weeks to do some prep work for moose hunting and some bird hunting at the same time.
Have been seeing decent numbers of grouse, and despite the bush still being pretty thick have managed to get a few limits with my Ruger 10/22.. Getting ready for moose hunting this weekend, even saw a couple moose one night after scouting! |
CategoriesTom's Journal
Updates on Tom's hunting/fishing/outdoors activities Archives
October 2021