Tom Armstrong is an award winning outdoor writer and photographer, and outdoorsman living in Thunder Bay, Ontario. As an ardent angler, hunter and sportsman, he has taken this passion for the outdoors and tried to share it as an outdoors writer and photographer.
On this page, you will find a variety of photos, articles, videos and information for anglers and hunters to enjoy, as well as photos for prints or stock photography.

Tom Armstrong is an award winning writer and photographer, and is proud to be the recipient of a 2023 Professional Outdoor Media Association of Canada award (formerly Outdoor Writers of Canada) with second place in the Outdoor Activities photography category, for his photo "the work begins" published in Ontario Out of Doors, as well as receiving first place in the 2021 Hunting Magazine feature category for his story "Hare Raising" published in Ontario Out of Doors.
Click HERE for recent updates and outdoor activities on my BLOG(*updates to webpage coming soon edits in process as of Aug 2024*